
Archive for the ‘Diplomatic Immunity’ Category

Before I open my mouth (read punch my keyboard) on the sensitive subject, let me clarify I am not one of those who take to streets feverishly every Sabbath wearing resplendent shalwar kurtas with solemn vanity  _or come any opportunity_ chanting pro religion slogans. Neither do I sport a black and white, or for that matter, a dyed overflowing beard with or without a moustache. Any resemblance thereof to an anti American creature, living or dead, is thus purely coincidental or unintentional.

Having stated my case humbly and before I take any position, I don’t need to emphasise that a lot has been said on the subject already while rolls and rolls of print continue to be churned out day in and day out. There is a lot of controversy shrouding the mystery and the things for sure look complicated.  

While the stand of religious parties and anti American sentiment coming to surface was highly predictable, what I find shocking is the reaction of a certain so called liberal element of the society. The way the individuals representing a typical diseased mindset go overboard and get carried away presenting an irrational case to defend the killings is as inexplicable as those victims carrying the unlicenced guns or the accused killing the guys from behind and pleading for self defence.

It is the human blood that has been spilled which in any civilized society should carry substantial weight. The matter is sub judice and the case for diplomatic immunity is yet to be established. Horns are being locked at diplomatic levels and we are beginning to see the tightening of screws and arm twisting by US in this regard. One just hopes that the matter is settled fairly, as per the demands of justice, in the light of domestic or international law.

The outcome is hazy but what is disgusting is to see the complexes and bias blinding a certain apologist mindset nurturing in our society that is willing to go to any length to justify the American cause or interest.

Shame on you!

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